Saturday, February 20, 2010

Top 10 Questions About Sustainability and Pop Culture

1.) Why do universities do so little, often less than nothing, to support sustainability in their most visible outlets - sports arena concession stands?

2.) Why do governments regulate and test raw foods, especially dairy, so much, and processed foods so little?

3.) Why is it still assumed that "bragging" justifies any kind of claim in advertising?

4.) Why don't stockholders exert more pressure on big ag corps to do the right thing, instead of just bolden the bottom line?

5.) Is there a politician in America, with any clout, who isn't in the pocket of environmentalists, or the Farm Bureau, or Monsanto?

6.) Has there ever been a serious, polite debate about whether Industrial Ag is really the only way to feed to world?

7.) Why don't our schools teach easy-to-grasp concepts like sustainability like they drill vague ones such as the "Pillars of Character" ?

8.) Why aren't students of all ages encouraged to save seeds and recycle them?

9.) Why isn't there a value added tax on foods that are processed?

10.) Why do so many "farmers markets" allow vendors who don't grow the foods they sell?

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