In response to public health concerns, on Monday the Food and Drug Administration urged meat producers to limit the amount of antibiotics they give animals. The FDA admitted that antibiotics in meat pose a "serious public health threat" because the drugs create antibiotic-resistant bacteria that can infect humans who eat it. But the agency only “is recommending that producers use the drugs judiciously, limiting their use unless they are medically necessary and only using them with the oversight of a veterinarian.”
"Developing strategies for reducing (antibiotic) resistance is critically important for protecting both public and animal health," the agency said in draft guidelines printed in the Federal Register.
The FDA also admitted that antibiotics are given continuously through feed or water to entire herds or flocks of animals. Then the agency said it is expecting to issue more specific guidelines soon, but FDA Principal Deputy Commissioner of Food and Drugs Joshua Sharfstein was not sure when that might be. He would not say whether the agency eventually plans to issue stricter regulations. He said patheticalaly that the agency will be watching industry response and also patterns of antibiotic resistance.
Goodstewarding’s bottom line - The FDA could not have been any wimpier if it were a lamb going to Smithfield for slaughter. MRSA has been killing more people than AIDS-HIV now for many years and the FDA is still “watching” the industry respond to their "urgings." Grow some balls FDA if you are able to after all these years of eating the crap that Big Ag has been feeding you.